Book On-line
- If the holiday cottage and holiday dates you want are available, no prior enquiry is necessary - you can check exact availability and make an on-line booking request via this page.
- Our prices and availability are usually accurate as they are updated automatically as bookings are made.
- You will be able to complete the booking process on-line. Alternatively, you can book by telephone.
- Simply select the arrival date and the duration of your stay, then click the 'check price' button.
- Payment can be made afterwards by making a secure card payment on-line, by posting a cheque or by bank transfer.
- All prices are in Pounds GB.
- Please check our news and offers page for details of any current offers, cancellations or late availability.
- Our booking conditions are shown in our holiday information section.
- Our opt-in mailing list will be used to send occasional emails about our holiday cottage, including details of any offers or last minute cancellations. We comply with the terms of Data Protection legislation. We promise not to share your details with any third parties and to remove your details upon request.
- All booking requests are subject to final written confirmation.
Hadrian's Wall, Northumberland
Contact Information
- Lynn Clarke
Leaholme Cottages
The Crescent
NE41 8HU - telephone : 01661 852286
- mobile : 07867 556705
Our Holiday Cottages
- Leaholme Cottage (sleeps up to 8)
- Barbican View (sleeps 2)
- Castle Retreat (sleeps 2)
- Lionsgate View (sleeps 2)